Friday, June 26, 2020

the shame game

My brain is doing loop-de-loops today. I’ve got this sick feeling that I can’t shake and it took me most of the morning to figure out what’s going on: The Shame Game. Everything I’ve ever done wrong, every bad thing that has ever happened to me, all the bad things that are still happening to me, my failures, my inabilities, my belief that in should-have-beens, all of it yammering in my skull full time like a jack-hammer. My house is a wreck, my life is a wreck, it’s all my fault, and I can’t seem to muster the energy to fix any of it.

I should be in a better place in my life than I currently am. Unemployed at the beginning of a massive Depression, dependent on an ex-husband who thrives on being undependable, with three grown or nearly-grown children who don’t have gainful employment, my house falling down around my ears: I could go on for days.

Part of this is just how my brain is wired, and part of what is going on is decades of conditioning that my failures are completely within my control. I worked very hard for years on a marriage that was never going to succeed because the man I was married to has a vastly different idea of what marriage should be than I do. If hard work was going to save that marriage, then we’d still be hitched. Hard work has a chance only if both parties are on the same page pulling for the same goal. I’m actually happier as a financially precarious divorcee than I was married to someone who did not have, and never did have, my best interests at heart. Pretty tough to be happy knowing that my husband didn’t think of me as an actual person but merely as a boundless resource, incapable of being overdrawn, and requiring no actual maintenance.

Undiagnosed executive function impairments also work wonders on a life. It isn’t a relief to be diagnosed when the script for lazy has been all but imprinted on my DNA for most of my existence. I still feel like I should be able to power through whatever obstacle is in my way, regardless of what that obstacle is or what my diminished store of resources holds. It takes a while to stop and take stock: This is what I have vs. this is what is needed. What I need is one hundred thousand dollars and a stable, secure job. What I have is a little bitty monthly support check. There’s a gulf there that can’t just be powered through. What I need is the ability to form an internally-imposed routine that can’t be immediately thrown off its rails by every metaphorical shift in the wind, and that just can’t happen the way my brain is wired. What I need is a couple of 20-yard dumpsters to get rid of the clutter in the house that is also cluttering up my brain but – well, see the above statement about the need for a job and cash. What I need is the ability for bi-linear time travel and what I’ve got is unidirectional.

There is no winning at The Shame Game. I can’t go back and change the conditions that got me here, I have no way of changing the way my brain is wired, I can only deal with the here-and-now, and I can only work on mitigation systems for the issues I’m always going to have.

So, I push away from what is causing shame and paralysis and I do something that makes those awful feelings recede to the point where I’m both functional again and capable of taking action on what’s actionable. Hence today’s pushing away from social media doom-scrolling and then writing a blog post that helps get my brain back on track.

Now I’m going to find my steel-toes and my safety glasses and finally get that evaporative cooler framework done that I’ve been promising myself.