Thursday, July 30, 2020

Tried and True

I was coming on to discuss how I felt like an utterly useless waste of human existence when the last post I created caught my eye. Feel like an utter failure? Check. Useless? Check. Should be doing better at [insert metric here]? Check. Facial hair growing in at a preternatural rate? Oh hell yeah. Approximately thirty day intervals? Yup. Between you, me, and the fence post, I'd rather be still dealing with blood.

Also: The new swamper still isn't in and I'm dealing with one whopper of an electric bill. The water bill will probably be a dilly as well. Last month was a disastrous combination of diagnosed ADHD and undiagnosed ear infection, the latter of which had gotten so bad that my balance was hugely affected, the sinus headaches were debilitating, and any semblance of concentration whatsoever was just MIA. A couple of bills went unpaid because my brain could see the bill, know that it needed paying, and just couldn't get the levers pulled to get the action. I didn't seek medical help until then because I didn't think it was that bad, really, and who in their right mind wants to go to a doctor's office these days? Fortunately for me, my doctor is doing phone appointments and was willing to prescribe medication that way, and the pharmacy was willing to mail the prescription. I didn't get the medicine for several miserable days but once I did and the effects kicked in - well, I really, really didn't understand how sick I was until I got better. 

I had an initial burst of energy and then - today. It took me most of the morning and part of the afternoon to process the data and then my little dim lightbulb went bing. I've got an emotion in search of a cause! And now I know what that cause is, and it isn't me being a total mistake the universe hasn't corrected yet. It's just hormonal imbalance and another data point against intelligent design.

So I'll go with the tried and true methodology for combating the issue. I will brush my hair and put on a bra so I can feel like a functional adult. I will declutter, clean, and organize. I will write. I will make things. I may not get the swamper in today but I can certainly move the project along another inch or two. It doesn't hurt that yesterday I sat down and got my books back in balance. I may have only a couple of cents to rub together but everybody is getting fed and none of the utilities are getting shut off. I am not where I want to be but I can get there from here.

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